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Emerald R&R Seminar Series
Emerald R&R is a bi-monthly seminar and discussion series, hosted by CQCRRH to benefit and inform health professionals and health services in Central Queensland.
Emerald R&R seminars offer a delicious free lunch, a stimulating presentation, and also a lively discission of topics which intersect current research with rural health service practice.
Emerald R&R seminars have included:
- An exploration of the implications and pitfalls of the concept and term “thin markets” (which many funders use to characterise rural and remote health, welfare and disability services).
- A presentation of the process and outcomes of an Occupational Therapy student service-learning initiative in the Gemfields.
- A look at contemporary research on different models of Rural Aged Care Services, and discussion of the implications for Central Queensland.
- A presentation on working at the edge of your scope as a rural health professional (Two invited academics talked about the outcomes and lessons learned from their research on rural health professionals being called on to work at the boundaries of their scope of practice).
- An overview of research on integrating health care planning in Clermont. (We heard about a major place-based planning project in the nearby Central Queensland town of Clermont and discussed implications for local services and service implementation, and the broader health / services workforce).
The next Emerald R&R is on Tuesday 26th March 2024.
Come and join us for a fascinating health and welfare services discussion over lunch and some treats. This month we will be discussing:
Nursing Workforce Project: Comparing Central Queensland and National Dataset
Everyone is welcome (feel free to forward this email to your colleagues, especially anyone who provides services in Emerald and surrounding areas).
- Date: Tuesday 26th March 2024
- Time: 12.00pm – 1.00pm (Lunch time)
- Venue: Emerald Medical Group - Conference Room
Kindly RSVP before 18th March to:
Certificate of attendance will be provided.